The Hammer's End
Rise of the Druids
A persistent 3D MMORPG
Download the Game
To play the game, simply download it to a folder. Right click it and choose “Extract All...”. Run the THE.exe file.
Creating an Account
Creating an account is done from within the game. Enter a username and password to start playing!
How much does it cost to play?
The game client itself is free. After the 3 day trial period has expired, you can purchase nonrecurring game time at the cost of $9.99 for 60 days. This will give you continued access to the gane servers. Also, the 3 day trial period is full access.
Technical Support
If you are unable to run the game or have other techincal difficulties, then you can email us at contact@thehammersend.com
System Requirements
Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8 / 10 / 11
Server Details
All servers are online and available for play. No server mainentance is scheduled at this time.
3 Day Free Trial!
Build 1.9.2 - Release Date 11/30/2024
©2025 Adventure World Studios LLC. All rights reserved.